Several studies have proved the effectiveness of microneedling in the treatment of stretch marks, especially over other modalities. The following studies were based on 3 sessions using a 1.5mm microneedling tool/dermaroller at 4-week intervals.
Park et al. conducted a study on 16 Korean women with stretch marks. Three months after the last treatment, all patients showed improved skin texture, tightness, and colour, with an “excellent” improvement noted for seven of the patients.
In addition, in studies by Khater et al. and Nassar et al. microneedling was effective on 90% of patients, compared to 50% in the laser-treated and microdermabrasion-treated groups.
Therefore, you can expect to see results from our microneedling tool following three sessions at 4-week intervals, if not sooner.
Hagag, M., Samaka, R., Mahmoud, H. (2019). Role of microneedling in treatment of patients with striae distensae. Menoufia Medical Journal. 32: 756-762.;year=2019;volume=32;issue=3;spage=756;epage=762;aulast=Hagag#ref10
Khater MH, Khattab FM, Abdelhaleem MR. (2016). Treatment of striae distensae with needling therapy versus CO2 fractional laser. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 18:75–79.
Nassar A, Ghomey S, El Gohary Y, El-Desoky F. (2016). Treatment of striae distensae with needling therapy versus microdermabrasion with sonophoresis. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 18:330–334.
Park KY, Kim HK, Kim SE, Kim BJ, Kim MN. (2012). Treatment of striae distensae using needling therapy: a pilot study. Dermatol Surg. 38:1823–1828.